Thursday, February 16, 2012

We want your opinion!

      Can you think of a spot that our yarn bombing would be a welcome improvement to? Let us know! We are constantly on the look out for potential bomb sites but we need your help! Any and all suggestions are wanted and need, we can never have enough targets.

Costa Mesa/ Mesa Verde Library Cont.

After some much needed maintenance and additions our most popular yarn bomb is back in top shape.  

The SoCo Collection

This bomb outside of the OC Mart Mix, our favorite hangout around these parts, was started during an interview with Kim Robinson for DIG magazine (Read it here!) and finished today in what may be our first bomb to be done broad daylight.  This somewhat less exhilarating experience was still equally enjoyable because of questions like "Are you afraid the tree will get cold?" and "So you do this for fun?" from passersby.